About Me

My Work

 In my art I have to say I love using color. Many of my pieces contain lots of vivid colors, however, I do believe that in some occasions things are more beautiful when left in black and white. To me color is important because it allows a person to feel a certain way without me being there to say something about it. I design and draw things that appeal to me and make me feel happy.

I don't consider myself tied down to one specific medium. I like to spread myself out to do diverse works of art. However, whatever the medium, I go about executing it the same way as I always do. First I visualize it in my mind. I start to break it down into pieces, almost like a puzzle, which helps me figure out how and where to start. I do some rough sketches to jot down these "puzzle" pieces. But the real fun is when I get my hands on the actual process. I start thinking of different ways to improve my idea as I start to construct it. When problems arise, I don't waste time to stop and think of, what next? Instead I just keep going and working on trying new things and solutions until I find and figure out one that works.

 In the end, my pieces sometimes turn out very different from what I pictured it to be from the beginning . But I believe that is the beauty of art, being able to change and manipulate an idea for it in the end being better than it was before. I love that feeling of flexibility.  

There are various things that inspire me in my work, however, the one thing that inspires me the most, as you might see, is the place where I come from...Sicily. I incorporate many Sicilian/Italian styles and colors in my work, whether it is something very subtle or very prominent. Going back and forth to my country has allowed me to see the new changes in which I bring back with me. There is nothing more beautiful than being able to mix two diverse cultures and styles to create something so great.


Gabriella attended Arcadia University where she received a bachelor's degree in fine arts with a concentration in graphic design. She has taken up jewelry and metals class for three years and has found passion in working in that medium. She has familiarized herself in ceramics as well as photography by taking a couple courses in school. Gabriella has a passion for painting in which she loves to do on her free time. She discovered this passion when she was in high school, working in both oil and acrylic. Her techniques and skills in painting were self taught and her eye in color grew the more she painted. Gabriella also discovered her great skill in stippling when she did her first stippling portrait back in high school as an assignment. She loves to learn new things and try new mediums. Always trying to broaden and master her art skills in more than just one area.

Today Gabriella has been able to share her talents with others thru commissioned pieces. She has started up her own small business Dolce Designs by G, where she designs and creates stationary and invitations for various occasions. She also does commissioned stippling pieces of all sizes. 

For more information on Gabriella's work, to get in touch regarding employment opportunities, or to just say hello, feel free to get in touch.

You may also feel free to just Follow Me. 

Dolce Designs by G

       Dolce Designs by G is a small business founded by Gabriella. When working with Dolce Designs no idea is too small or impossible. She works with the client to create and bring their idea to life. Dolce Designs specializes in invitations/stationary for various occasions. However, Dolce Designs is a design company that can assist you in various projects and not limited to invitations/stationary. Gabriella has experience in creating and designing anything as little as business cards to as big as banners. If you have any ideas or need anything done, don't hesitate to get in contact with her.

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